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Vote for a Better Future

This poster was designed to support AIGA's (American Institute of Graphic Arts) Get Out the Vote campaign, which aims to encourage public participation in voting for upcoming elections. The design concept centers around the message, "Walking towards a better future starts with a vote," emphasizing the significance of voting for a brighter future. To effectively convey this message, the image of people walking across a crosswalk was strategically chosen to symbolize progress toward a new stage, representing the future. The word "VOTE" is seamlessly incorporated into the crosswalk image to highlight the essential role of voting in shaping this future. Additionally, the use of blue and red, along with visual elements like stars, evokes a sense of patriotism reminiscent of the American flag.


This work is exhibited in the AIGA's poster gallery and is available for printing and public distribution.





2024 UDA International Poster Design Competition, Gold Award

Poster Design
for Campaign

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